5. 8. 2019
The central subject of the 21stannual Desigblok is Future, and visitors will have the chance to glance into it at the usual place – the Exhibition Grounds in the Prague district of Holešovice – between 17 and 21 October 2019. The most extensive design and fashion festival held in the Czech Republic has now revealed its visual form, which is every year the work of the photographer Salim Issa and the graphic designer Martina Černá, while Lucie Koldová will be the author of Designerie, the main exhibition of the event. Visitors along with designers will explore the world of the future and will try to find ways how design can contribute in this respect for the sake of the generations to come.
Future as the main subject of the festival will interlace the entire exhibition, including its accompanying programs and the main display. “We will explore the role of designers in the today’s world glutted with things, and will try to find out how manufacturers can approach their production responsibly. In future, both designers and producers will have to employ their talent and skill in much wider ways. Instead of designing new things, they will rather solve problems and follow aspects of ecology and the social impact of their work. The aim of the 21stDesignblok is to show what design can do for our better future,”the Designblok Director, Jana Zielinski, said.
The main part of Designblok will occupy more than 10,000 m2 of the Holešovice Exhibition Grounds: the Industrial Palace, the frontal open space and the adjacent Lapidarium of the National Museum. Traditionally, the festival will also offer events and presentations in a number of galleries, pop-up shops and showrooms throughout Prague. Welcome!